What happens during a consultation?
The first consultation could last up to 90 minutes. This is so I can get a complete picture of you. As well as details of any specific conditions you would like help with, I will also ask about times or situations where you feel better or worse, your emotional state and your history.
The Snooks : What happens when you visit a homeopath?
As a student, I am required to type out our consultation word for word so that supervision can take place. Typing in this much detail during the consultation would make it difficult to listen to you properly, so I will ask your permission for the audio to be recorded and transcribed. This will be kept confidential and only an anonymised version will be seen by my supervisor and college tutors.
Consultations can be in person or online. We can book a room for privacy, and I will take into account any accessibility issues, so please let me know if you have any particular needs.